Growing Tips


Garlic is simple to grow and versatile to use, being a key ingredient in many Mediterranean and Asian dishes.

Plants should be set in a sunny, fertile location.  Best planted late autumn or early winter, generally before Christmas.  Make sure the soil is weed free, weed suppressing membrane can also be used.  Plant the cloves approximately 10cm apart by pushing into soft ground or pre-made holes and if planting in rows, space 30cm between rows.   Cover with bird netting until the shoots of the new plants are 5cm.  Generally garlic does not require additional watering although may need it occasionally during Spring and early summer if there are dry spells to improve yields.  Do not water once the bulbs are large and well formed as this could lead to rotting.

Garlic can also be planted in containers if space is short or if the soil has previously been affected by onion white rot.  The container should be at least 15cm wide and deep and filled with a good multipurpose compost.  A container this size will be sufficient for 3 cloves.

Garlic can be planted later in the season by starting it off under cover.  Put one clove in a 10cm pot and place in a cold greenhouse.  Move into the garden in March or April before the shoots are 10cm high.

The leaves can be harvested once green and used in salads but bulbs should not be harvested until the leaves have turned yellow.  Carefully lift the new bulbs with a fork.  Lay the bulbs out to dry in an airy location.  Once dry they can be stored in ventilated containers until ready for use.

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