Our Plant Suppliers

Country Herbs and Plants

Based near Spalding in Lincolnshire Country Herbs and Plants origin now dates back 30 years to 1992. Over 75 years growing experience lies in the two generations involved in our family business, Matt Nieburg, my father, a Dutchman, came across to England as a student to learn the language and gain work experience and later on David, my brother, spent his life growing up around nurseries and once he realised he was destined to commercial horticultural (and not to being an F1 driver!) they joined forces.

Country Herbs and Plants has a relatively small team with many staff having over 10 years’ experience with them, this accumulated knowledge at all levels through the company helps produce stand out quality. Seen as niche growers, wholesale specialists in herbs with a few peripheral crops for interest, they are probably currently the largest herb specialist supplying the UK Garden Centre sector.

With modern computer controlled glass, biomass heating, supplementary lighting and new transplanting and potting machines they use technology where it helps. Equally they have outdoor and cooler growing areas so to produce really hardy stock. CHP use very few chemicals, no neonicotinoids, peat reduced compost and an increasing use of biological control. This mix of high and low tech allows CHP to give hundreds of varieties the best environmental conditions possible.  CHP have full trace ability on all plants sold from their nursery and have an EC Plant Passport UK / EW 20793.

CHP supply a great range of herbs 52 weeks of the year, even in the middle of winter they have fully hardy stock available of core varieties. We at Hetty’s are fortunate we can tap into this knowledge and availability to offer our customers the ability to order specialist herb varieties along with wildflower, strawberry and chilli varieties of a consistently high quality.


Other Plant Suppliers

Keen to increase the range of plant varieties we offer at Hetty’s we in late 2022 started sourcing plants from another local nursery which is less than 10 miles from us. As a result we are now able to offer a wider selection of Soft Fruit varieties, as well as Asparagus.


For a garden & kitchen full of aroma, flavour & nature

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